Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cupcakes and interesting writers...

These are the two big highlights of my day. Oh and that my mate and I both decided that we wanted a vego pizza for dinner, which has since been devoured along with an entire garlic bread! What pigs we are! It is 7:59pm and I would go to bed cause of excessive tiredness but the promise of a cupcake and a cup of tea is helping to prop my eyes open. I got home, after volunteering at the Sydney Writers festival, cold and desperately tired only to find these darling little cupcakes waiting patiently on the kitchen table. So once I have purged (don't know if that is even the right word!) myself of this blog I can go and eat a cupcake. Which kind of gives me less incentive to write anything of significant length.

Anyway, today's other highlight was in making a connection with one Jon Doust (a guest writer at the Sydney Writers Festival) who took a liking to me and gave me his card along with the words 'stay in touch'! Brilliant (okay, so the words are not the most inspiring ever said to me...but they come from an actual writer...I know what you are thinking, Kit has finally lost it. Yes. It is true!). That is literally the highlight of my even supercedes the cupcake excitement. A proper published writer to add to my growing collection of friends and acquaintances who actually have published books. Ah, networking, what a brilliant concept...and now for the cupcakes...